How to Combat Oily Summer Skin

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We all dream of having perfect, smooth, problem-free skin. It would be so lovely to roll out of bed and not have to worry about putting on makeup, or about a sudden break-out. Skin care can be especially tricky if you have oily skin, and it’s hard to know if your products are going to help or create more oil.

At Escents, we rely on natural ingredients to help control oily skin. Our team’s go-to remedy for oily skin has always been 100% pure Tea Tree essential oil. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, oils can work wonders on oily and acne-prone skin! Read on to learn more about the benefits of Tea Tree oil and how you can integrate it into your daily skincare routine to treat oily skin.

Tea tree essential oil Escents Aromatherapy

Follow these tips to balance your skin naturally, without stripping moisture with harsh chemicals!

Cleanse Twice Daily with a Gentle Clarifying Cleanser

Whether you have an oily skin type or not, it’s important to cleanse your face twice daily. But it’s especially important to cleanse oily skin without stripping the natural oils needed to protect your skin’s moisture barrier. You might think that the squeaky clean feeling you get from drugstore products is great if you want to get rid of oil, but those products actually cause your skin to overreact and produce more oil.

Use a cleanser with Tea Tree essential oil to reduce oil production and aloe to retain moisture, like our Tea Tree Deep Cleansing Gel Micro-exfoliating. Made from the leaves of Australian Tea Trees, Tea Tree Oil will dissolve oil without stripping your skin.

Keep your skin Hydrated

We often hear people say they don’t want to apply moisturizer onto oily skin. It’s understandable to not want to add a layer of product onto oily skin, but going without moisturizer may leave your skin dehydrated. The excess oil your skin creates isn’t going to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. In fact, applying a clarifying moisturizer will help balance oil production because it will offset your skin’s desire to produce more oil.

Give your skin a new lease on life with these rich body butters that contain moisturizing organic Shea Butter and organic Cocoa Butter to smooth skin, with Vitamin E to prevent and minimize the appearance of fine line as well. It’s commonly thought that oily skin ages more slowly, but that’s not true if you’re not taking care of it with the right moisturizer

Treat Blemishes Properly

Oilier skin types tend to have a larger pore size, which can easily get clogged and cause acne. As Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic, when applied to the skin, it kills the bacteria that causes acne. Though it is an oil, it won’t make your skin oilier. Rather, it provides hydration while eliminating the oils that clog your pores and create pimples. Think of it as a natural and gentle alternative to Benzoyl Peroxide – the ingredient you find in many drugstore acne treatments.

Tea Tree oil is one of the few essential oils that can be applied directly to your skin without causing any irritation. You can add a few drops to a cotton ball and apply it directly onto your skin as an acne spot treatment.

We know it can be hard having oily skin, worrying about excess shine and breakouts. Let us know how you take care of your skin on social @escents – We love hearing from you!

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